The image and sentiment, are stamps by OneFourZero, and I've combined them with paper by BasicGrey ('Boxer') and some distressed Core'dinations cardstock, that I've embossed with the 'Tiny Bubbles' Cuttlebug folder.

This is Cassie and Seamus (or Shazberry to his friends...don't ask!). They belong...or rather did belong to my parents...sadly Seamus is no longer with us. This photo was taken at Easter 2007 in my parents' back garden, on a gloriously sunny and warm spring day. I do love the way that it looks like they're holding hands in this cute! They were 'adopted' by my parents as adult dogs, and lived together all their lives, although they're not related to each other. I think they were friends, although they never really played together. Seamus would always keep a look out for Cassie when they went out for walks, and he was always a gentleman...letting her through the door first...although she's really pushy, so he didn't get much say in the matter! lol Cassie is now enjoying being an only dog, but she does seem quieter now, so I think she does miss him too.
Now, the people I'm tagging for this are:
...thank you Tracey! So now the difficult part...I have to choose 5 people to pass it on to.
I've chosen these people, firstly because they are all lovely, and secondly, because they all have fab blogs:
The rules of this award are:
1) Post a link of the person who gave you this award
2) Nominate 5 other people and give a link to their sites
3) Let your nominators know that they got an award from you
4) Put a logo of the award on the blog
Now, most of the people I'd like to give this award to, have already received it, but as it's designed to thank those who have encouraged you in some way, I'm going to give it to them anyway.
Pauline - for her encouragement in setting up my blog (and all the helpful little tips too!)
Tracie - it was the Penny Black Challenge that got me into blogging in the first place!
Cathy, Samantha and Sharon - who are regular visitors to my blog, and always have kind words to say.
The winner will be chosen on Saturday (17th January), so make sure you visit and leave a comment here before then.
Michelle has some gorgeous Valentines themed candy on offer for one lucky blogger:
Lim has two separate candies on offer, each containing a massive 100 images, and a stamp plus a few other goodies (depending on where you live). Check out her post to see what you could win before Saturday 24th January.