
Sunday 22 August 2010

A Couple of Awards...

I've been such a bad blogger...I recieved a couple of awards in the last couple of weeks...but just haven't managed to find the time to blog them and pass them on.

The first one is from my lovely friend Uma.

There are 5 rules to this award:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award...thanks Uma! :0)

2. Copy and display the award on your blog...done!

3. List three things you love about yourself:

  1. I'm never bored...I can always find something to do! ;0)
  2. I have a good memory...always useful for listing the names of items used on a project!
  3. I'm organised...people may laugh at my alphabetised music scores, and CDs...but I hate wasting time looking for things!
4. Post a picture you love:

You'll probably recognise this as my profile's of my parents' dogs Cassie & Seamus...sadly they're no longer with us...but I do love the way that Cassie has her paw on top of Seamus' in this photo! :0)

5. Tag 5 people you would like to pass this award onto. I always struggle with this part...I'd like to give it to each and every one of this time I've chosen to pass it on to five of my most regular commenters:
  1. Kelly
  2. Sandra
  3. Riet
  4. Mary
  5. Claire
Thanks ladies for all of the lovely comments you leave me! :0)

The second award is from Sharon:

Awww...thanks Sharon! :0)

Now...I'm supposed to pass this blog award on to seven to choose??? Well...I have seven lovely DT buddies at the ABC Christmas I'm passing it on to them to say a BIG thank you for all of the hard work they put into their creations, and for making it a great fun team to be on! :0)


Phew! I did have another card I was going to blog today...but I think I've spent enough time on here today...and I've missed the deadline for one of the challenges it was for, I think I'll do that tomorrow! lol


  1. Thank you Helen! enjoy the rest of the day.
    hugs, annie x

  2. Hiya Helen. Thank you so mu7ch for this award. I am thrilled that you thought of me, and I will display it with pride.
    Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  3. Thanks Helen, I really love visiting your blog and seeing your lovely cards, and thanks for your kind message on my blog. Mary x

  4. Thank you for the award Helen.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. Aww thank you Helen - have only just picked this up as have been finishing off my daughter's room all day and only just sat down, so will blog it tomorrow. Thanks again hun. Big hugs, Claire x

  6. Hi Helen
    Thank you for thinking of me! That's two of these in one week for me! :)


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on my cards! Helen x