
Tuesday 24 December 2019

My Favourite Five Christmas Cards

As has become traditional, I'm sharing my favourite five Christmas cards of the year this evening...I made 96 this year, so I had quite a few to choose from! For additional information on any of the cards, click on the image to go to the original post.

The first one is from January, and features a cute Penny Black snowman...I love the soft pastel colours on this one.

My second card was an experiment in heat embossing using a couple of different powders using a beautiful Indigo Blu image that I picked up in the bargain bin.

My next card features a similar layout to the first, but this time a cute Lili of the Valley image and stamped snow.

I made rather a lot of CAS cards this year (cheap to post!), and these were among the simplest to make...a technique I will definitely be revisiting next year!

My final card is also my most recent one...and features lots of my favourite things...a Penny Black image, pretty papers, faux stitching...

One more thing before I go...I always share a photo of my Christmas cake on Christmas Eve here it is:

Have a lovely Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Love all your choices of your favourite Christmas cards from the year - I don't think I could single one out as my favourite of the five! Posting them is a great idea. I might have to do a post like that And your Christmas cake looks fabulous!


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on my cards! Helen x