
Saturday 17 September 2011

It's Candy Time!

This post will remain at the top until my candy closes...please scroll down for my newer cards :0)


 It was my blog's third birthday yesterday...I can't believe how quickly he's growing up! lol
I also went past 70,000 hits this week, so I'm celebrating with not one, but two candies!

One is girly...and the other is Christmas themed:

You can click the photo for a better view, but I've listed below what's in each candy.

The girly candy contains:
  • Prima 'Paisley Road' paper pad
  • Stampavie Sarah Kay 'Antoinette & Bessa go for a stroll' stamp
  • 5 packs 'Auntie Sarah's Bloomers' (paper flowers) in assorted colours
  • Pack of small buttons in assorted colours

The Christmas candy contains:
  • Prima 'North Country' paper pad
  • 3 Snag 'em Stamps (Snowman, Reindeer & Penguin)
  • Tub of Flowersoft in 'Polar White'
  • Ice Stickles glitter glue in 'Crystal Ice'
  • American Crafts pack of mini glitter brads

Want to win one???
Here's what you need to do:

 Place the photo and a link back here in the sidebar on your blog to help me spread the word, then add your name (one link per person please to keep it fair) to the linky below...that's it.

The candy will close at 8pm (BST) Saturday 17th September.

I'll use Random.Org to choose the two lucky winners, and announce them on my blog the following day.


  1. Hi Helen, it would be so rude not to join you and both packs of candy look so yummy, oh sweet treats and no weight gain :) good luck everyone
    Hugs Kate x

  2. Hey! Your candy has been added in the Blog Candies section at Feline Playful! Hope you get lots of traffic via Feline Playful blog!

  3. Yummy candy, Helen. Thank you for the chance to win.
    hugs Dorte

  4. Those candy's are awesome!
    Thanks for the chance!

  5. Thanks Helen for the chance to win. I have posted a pic of your candy in my side bar. Happy 3rd birthday and well done for reaching 70,000 views. I'm about 10th of your views and have had my blog for about 18 months. Don't think I'll get to 70000 in the next 18 months some how!

  6. Aww how fun .. candy :) Thank you for the chance to win Helen. Hugs xx

  7. lovely giveaway...i posted to my blog and am now a happy follower


  8. lovely Candy
    thanks for the chance to win
    Love Jan

  9. Hi Helen...thanks for the lovely comment you left for glad you did because it brought me to your fab blog, and I'm now stalkin' ya...ha!
    Just put your candy on my sidebar...thanks for the chance to win!

  10. You are such a dear to tell me. I would love to win your candy. Hope you are having a great week end.
    Hugz, Patricia

  11. thanks for great candy) I am a follower)
    I am new in scrapbooking, and I really need in this amount of goodies you offer. Thank you!
    I linked it on sidebar.
    hugs. Hlora.

  12. Mmmm yummy candy - thanks for the chance to join in.
    Happy blogaversary x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  13. hello, Helen
    your candy looks fab and I'd love the chance to win. Thanks for the chance.

    hugs Regina

  14. Thank you so much for letting me know about your candy, and for the opportunity to win some sweet goodies. Hugs, dj1952

  15. WOW 3 years Helen have we been blogging that long!!! WOW.... HAPPY BLOG Anniversary! your blog is always an inspiration here's to the next 3!!

    Hip hip! Horray!

    Oh and errrrrrrrr my choice would be CHRISTMAS................ tehehheehee love Christmas thanks for the chance xx

  16. Fabby candy and well done on 3 years of blogging, Luv Sam x

  17. Thanks for the chance of this lovely blog candy and keep up with the great creations xx

  18. Congratulations on passing 70,000 hits, and thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy.

  19. Well done Helen on creating a lovely blog, & thanks for the chance to win this candy. Jx

  20. oh how exciting! I will cross my fingers!

  21. Hi Helen.
    Thank you for your friendly comment and the fact that you pointed me to this your reward. I have posted a pic of your candy in my side bar. Happy 3rd birthday and well done for reaching 70,000 views.
    Now we can go see your blog as a new discovery for me.
    Greetings from Slovenia, Marika

  22. Fabulous giveaway Helen. I would love to have a chance. I am already a follower and I just added a link to my sidebar.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  23. Wow, wonderful Blogcandy, thanks so much for the chance to win.


  24. Sorry I am so late, seeing your candy! I am so behind with everything! I really don't like going back to school LOL:-)! I will add a picture ASAP:-) And huge congratulations on your blogoversary and number of hits! Lots of hugs Delphine xx

  25. congrats on 3 yrs in blogging world :)
    newest foolower from india :)

  26. congrats on your 3 years in blogland xxx

  27. Happy 3rd birthday and well done for reaching 70,000 views.
    Thank you for the chance to win Helen!
    Hugs Helen

  28. Congratulations for reaching that much followers and thanks for the chance of winning. :)

  29. Hello! Lovely space and lovely candy, dear! I've posted this on my sidebar at "sorteios/candies", by date! Thanks so much for this lovely chance! :D Rachel
    Follower's name: Rachel Berault

  30. Congrats on the birthday and thanks for a great chance to win. Hugs, Carissa

  31. Great candy. Thanks for the chance to win. Congrats on some Awesome achievements.

  32. Thanks for letting me know about your 'candy'! Your blog is wonderful and I wish you many more years of happiness in blogland!

  33. Happy third blog-birthday!

    Thank you very much for the chance to win!

    luv, Mags x


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on my cards! Helen x