
Friday 16 September 2011

Cold Turkey!

No card today...I've really been slacking this week! Well, not really...I'm back at work now...and after a craft filled summer, I'd forgotten just how much potential crafting time is lost to work! I spent a lot of time in the last few weeks of the holidays getting all of the music arranged for this term's classes/concerts, and I'm beginning to get withdrawl symptoms from my stash! Nevermind...the weekend is nearly upon us, and I can't wait to get inky!

Before I go off to work, I just wanted to post a reminder for my closes at 8pm (BST) you'll need to be quick if you fancy getting your hands on some of these goodies:

All the info is on this post.

That's it from me for now, I'll be back tomorrow with my DT cards for the Penny Black & Secret Crafter Saturday Challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I know that cold turkey feeling hun - I've done no crafting at all this week and I'm getting VERY twitchy! Hugs Sxx


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on my cards! Helen x