
Thursday 7 October 2010

Skiing Henry

My lovely friend Samantha and I swapped some images and papers last week...and this adorable 'Skiing Henry' (by Whiff of Joy) was amongst them. I decided I'd use him to make a 'male' Christmas card...nice and simple, no fuss...or glitter! I used three different Cuttlebug folders for the background: 'Snowflakes', 'Snow Dots' and 'Ice Crystals'. I did ink around the edges of the layers, but it's not showing up very well in the photo. The large snowflake was cut using my Cuttlebug 'Ice Crystal' die, and the spotty ribbon is from Hobbycraft.

Challenges for this card:


  1. Great card and ideal for an male at christmas. Love the embossing folders you have used too. Nicola xx

  2. Great card - I love the embossing, very effective and such an adorable image too! Hugs, Claire x

  3. fantastic, looks great for a bloke :)

  4. Great card, love the image and the different embossed pieces :o) Lisa x

  5. perfect for a male xmas card ~those embossing folders sure come in useful!! ~love it!
    vanessa xx

  6. Awwwh, he looks so pleased with himself too - super blue card hun, perfect for any man. Gorgeous colouring on Henry too. Hugs, Sxx

  7. Hi Helen
    oh I just adore all Henry's but this one is such an extra cutie, love the blue's perfect for our male theme at Winter Wonderland, do hope you will share some more of your work with us tomorrow for our next challenge
    Hugs Kate xx

  8. Fantastic card - cute image and great embossing too x

  9. Awwww you have done a lovely job with Henry he looks lovely x x x Love the different folders too! :0)

  10. This card is so cute and that little mouse is adorable...perfectly colored. Love the embossing.

  11. Oh he's soooo cute.Gorgeous card.x

  12. Lovely card, love the embossing and layering. great layout x

  13. I like this card so much that I just may case it if you don't mind!

  14. LOVE it! The colors and embossing are gorgeous! Fantastic card! Thanks so much for joining us at PTW and celebrating our Birthday celebration! Hope you join us again next week!
    hugs, Sharon


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on my cards! Helen x