
Sunday 12 September 2010

Pile It On! - Operation Write Home

We have a really special challenge for you this week at Pile It On!:

'Operation Write Home'

We are working with Operation Write organisation that supports the US Armed Forces by providing the service men and women serving overseas with blank cards for them to send home to their loved ones. They accept cards for all occasions, but at the moment are particularly requesting Birthday, Anniversary and Christmas cards, so that's what we'd like you to make this week. As I'm in the UK, I'm going to support the UK based Support Our Soldiers charity. It also runs appeals for blank cards for the service men and women of the British Armed Forces to use, but their last appeal was so succesful, that they're not currently accepting donations of general handmade cards. But, they are still asking for donations of Christmas cards...there are some guidelines to follow, which you can see here on their website.

I've made a set of really simple Christmas simple in fact that I just stamped directly on to the card blank, watercoloured the simge, and then added a sentiment. All of the cards use images by Penny Black, and the sentiments are a mixture of Lili of the Valley, Penny Black and Studio G.

'Bedecked Antlers' & 'Par Avion'

From the 'Holly Jolly' set & 'Reindeer Pup'

'XMouse Ornament' & from the 'Christmas Critters' set

'Wishes for Kisses' & from the 'Holly Jolly' set

Here are the challenges that I've 'Piled On!':
I really hope that you can join us this week for this special challenge...for more inspiration please check out the fabulous creations by my Pile It On! DT buudies.

I have candy on offer at the moment...if you haven't already entered, you can find all of the details on this post.


  1. Wow Helen - what a fantastic collection which I bet will be much appreciated. Thank you for sharing with us at Bah! Humbug!

    Max's Craft Creations
    Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT

  2. Really cute cards! Thanks for playing on the Simon Says Stamp & Show blog hop!

  3. Wonderful collection!! Sweet and simple!! Thanks for playing the Crafty Creations challenge!

  4. OH so many cute Christmas cards - great job you are so much more ahead then I am! LOL - thanks for joining us at Crafty Creations - the sled card is perfect!

  5. Great take on our transport challenge of this week. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Creations. Hugs, Jeanet

  6. Wonderful cards!!!!!!!!!!
    Hugs Gisela

  7. Such a lovely thing to do Helen, they will be so greatfully appreciated

    Gorgeous cards ;0)

    Your fantastic!!!

  8. These are fabulous and just prove how classy simplicity can be x Thanks for joining us at WW this week x Janet

  9. What a fabulous collection of cards !! all of them are lovely and I love the simple stamping on a card blank ,, I haven't done that for ages ,, which is a shame !! , simple and stunning and easy to post !! perfect :-)

    thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp-tember Holiday hop :-)
    Lols x x x

  10. What a stunning and gorgeous collection of cards, and such a fantastic idea to stamp straight onto the card. Your watercolouring is perfect. I am sure your cards will be well received.

    Thank you so much for joining in our latest challange.


  11. So gorgeous Helen.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  12. Hi Helen,
    love the set of cards, very simple but fabulous.
    Thanks for the info on the advent calendar, exactaly what I was looking for but out of stock unfortunately. HO HUM!!!! will keep looking.
    Lyndsey xx

  13. What a great collection and a superb cause.
    Ann xxx
    Bah! Humbug! DT

  14. what an adorable bunch of cards...I do love penny black and these cards are simple but adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Creations! bx

  15. A fabulous collection of one layer cards, showing how effective this style of classy creation can be
    Thanks for playing along with us this week at Winter Wonderland
    Hope to see you back on Friday for the next fun challenge
    Hugs Kate xx

  16. What cute images you've used Helen. Just perfect to donate to the appeal.

    Kat xx

  17. wow fabulous cards and yet so simple :)

  18. Your cards maybe a simple, Helen, but I absolutely love them all! Great bunch. :)

  19. Wow, I don`t know what I should write, your collection is fantastic, really great !!!


  20. Great set of cards and a great charity to support too (i've done my bit and sent 10 off too), Luv Sam x

  21. Helen these are all gorgeous! I really like the clean look, they look great! For such a good cause too, you have inspired me to make some too.
    Kaz xx

  22. fantastic Selection of cards hunny! where on earth do you find the time!! :0)

  23. What a wonderful cards, I love these!
    Thankyou so much for taking part in our blog hop with all the Simon Says Stamp teams. Good luck for all the incredible prizes - fingers crossed.

  24. Hi Helen
    Thank you so much for the link xx We love to do our bit in supporting our troops. Lovely cards x Love Em x

  25. These might be simple hun, stamped straight onto the card, but it takes nerve to do that, and by crikey it's paid off, these are stunning! Hugs, Sxx


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on my cards! Helen x