
Friday 23 July 2010

I'm Off!

Just a quick note to say that I'm off for a long weekend in the Lake District today. My lovely friend Samantha is getting married on Sunday...and as I'm playing my flute during the ceremony, it's knid of a working holiday! lol I'm also going to be meeting up with some of my lovely crafty buddies I met on last summer's retreat (can't believe it was nearly a year ago!) including Cathy and Uma, and some I will be meeting for the first time...although we've 'known' each other for several years...Squirrel and Carol...and I'm really looking forward to it!

I've scheduled my DT posts for the Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge and the Just Cute Bears Challenge for this I'm really hoping the Mr Blogger co-operates...if not please visit the challenge blogs for info on the challenges...and I'll have a word with him when I return! lol

Have a lovely weekend whatever you're doing...and please pray for dry weather for Sunday for us!


  1. Have a safe journey sweetheart and see you there tomorrow! Hugs, Sxx

  2. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! te hehehehe

  3. Hope you all have a fab weekend
    Pauline x


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment on my cards! Helen x