
Sunday 13 September 2009

Blogoversary Candy!

*My Candy is now closed - please come back tomorrow afternoon to find out who the lucky winner is*

Today (September 3rd) is my first blogoversary...I can't believe how fast this year has seems like only a few weeks since I ventured into the world of blogging! I've had a fab year...made lots of new bloggy buddies, discovered some fabulous and inspirational blogs, entered more challenges than I care to count (my name's Helen & I'm a challenge addict!), won a couple of fabby candies (thanks Jacqui & Kath!), and became a member of the ABC Challenge Design Team! Phew...what a year! So, to celebrate my blog's first birthday...and I noticed that my hit counter crept past 15,000 a week or so ago too...I've put together a little candy:

The candy contains:
  • BasicGrey 'June Bug' 6x6 paper pad
  • My Mind's Eye 'Wild Asparagus' 6x6 paper pad
  • Sugar Nellie 'Blossom' unmounted stamp
  • Stampavie 'Lily - Taking Care' clear stamp
  • 'Skin Accents' Promarker pen set
  • Poppicrafts 'Random Blooms' (contains 80 paper flowers!)
  • Polkadot grosgrain ribbon in a selection of widths and colours)
  • Craftwork Cards 'Card Candy Pick'n'mix' (an assortment from 10 packs)
I'm also going to add a handmade beaded item...but I'm going to leave that as a surprise for the winner ;0)

If you fancy getting your hands on this little lot, here's what you need to do:
  • Link my candy on your blog (if you have one) - sidebar is fine :0)
  • Add a link to your blog on Mr Linky below when you've done that
  • If you don't have a blog, but would still like to enter, you can contact me by email (click the birdie in my sidebar --->) with 'Blog Candy' as the subject, and I'll add you to Mr Linky
  • One entry per person please...I'd like everyone to have a fair chance :0)
  • I will post worldwide, so this candy is open to everyone
  • I have disabled the comments on this entry is by Mr Linky only - if you are having problems with Mr Linky, please email me to let me know, and I'll try and sort him out! lol
I'll close Mr Linky at 9pm (UK time) on Sunday 13th September 2009, and announce the winner the next day...good luck!